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The Magic Foundation is a Non-Government Organization, registered under section 21 of Societies Registration Act 1860. Evolution of The Magic Foundation is to find out the alternative means of Development for the people of the bottom of the pyramid. The Magic Foundation is trying to bring up the disadvantage and marginalized section of society for sustainable and comprehensive development leading to improve their quality of living. The organization is now working towards development and social change through participative involvement of youths, development experts, policy- makers, social-scientist, political-executives and the communities whom we make policy & plan for their development.


"We Rise by Lifting


The main objective of The Magic Foundation is to facilitate better quality of life in all its realms through community mobilization, participatory governance based on sustainable natural resource management. Thus community participation, education, protection and promotion of environment and social capital are central to the activities of the organization.

 We help identify what is needed, develop programs with communities to meet local needs, and advocate for effective, compassionate, realistic, and appropriately resourced responses. We also run Awareness programs for social & mental awareness of civilians.

The Magic Foundation arranges for distribution of Study kits & School uniforms, Food & Accommodations to children and poor in the villages & cities where we hold our programs. We had decided then and there to provide our free services to needy people in future too.

Awareness about some of the deadliest diseases like AIDs, cancer and HIV is creating amongst the people by running and setting up camps all through the country.

Slum, poor and street children are provided education free of cost by the volunteers of The Magic Foundation.
In the remote villages, facilities for drinking water are also provided.


Financial assistance, food, clothing and medication and needs of other kinds are fulfilled of the victims facing the calamity.
In various parts of rural India, medical camps are run free of cost regularly.


To safeguard the environment at global level efforts are made in enhancing the civil society’s role.
Children from the slum are provided nutritious food and that too free of cost.


Our team also implements schemes for the welfare of women with the help of Women's Wing of Team Magic (W2TM).

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